Thursday, November 22, 2007

Colorado Law steals land and gives it to Ex Judge

Way to let the legal elite just fucking roll right over over people's rights.
Stevens and McLean: Why don't you just go cruise your lamborghini over other people's laws and take their land too while you're at it? Maybe go hiking through downtown and punch a couple random people in the face for no reason, maybe rob a convenience store too while you're at it. Since obviously the state awards ex-justices and ex-mayors immunity from being decent human beings.
There are TWO villains in this case: Stevens and McLean for STEALING probably hundreds-of-thousands (at least) from the Kirlins. And Boulder District Court Judge James C. Klein, Whom I think should be IMMEDIATELY expelled from his seat and tried for demonstrating complete callousness and abuse of trusted power.
Fuck them.
WHEN the hell are we going to start standing up to the Legal Elite in this country and holding them accountable for this kind of shit?
The fact that when this was appealed, it was turned down and Klien's ruling was not reversed, demonstrates that the whole damn system is in on it.
I will NEVER vote to retain a justice ever again now. I urge EVERYONE in this state to do the same.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Boulder Needs to take a Reality Check

This is not a matter of liberal-conservative politics. Partisanship is irrelevant. This is about idiocy and hairbrained, armchair psuedo-activism. Folks who slap a "respect life" or "no war for oil" sticker on the back of their Hummer and then vote against the implementation of better road infrastructure that can reduce congestion and thus: reduce consumption of gasoline. People who vote for someone just because of party no matter what things they say.
People who think that banning kids from bringing a ornate plastic sword-sheath (not even the soft plastic toy sword, just the sheath) to school for a halloween costume is somehow going to stop school shootings.

This is about how Boulder could be a lot better.